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Updated: Apr 18, 2024
Market Cap?
Social Score143318.92%
All-Time High
Sep 23, 2023 (6 months before)
All-Time Low
$0.01019117 54.9%
Nov 12, 2022 (1 year before)

Social Activity Brief

Within the past 30 days, this project has shown a fluctuating trend in its social media activity score. The project's social media engagement has been inconsistent, with some days showing high activity and others showing low activity. However, there is an overall upward trend in the project's social media activity score. The project has had some days with significantly higher activity than others, indicating that there may be certain events or promotions that are driving engagement. Overall, the project's social media activity score suggests that there is some level of interest and engagement from its audience.

Where To Buy

ID Exchange Pair Spread Price 24H Volume Trust Score
1 Biswap BFG / BINANCE-BRIDGED-USDT-BNB-SMART-CHAIN 0.60% $0.01581217 $37632
2 Biswap BFG / BFG-TOKEN 0.61% $0.01581217 $2772.83
3 Biswap V3 BFG / BINANCE-BRIDGED-USDT-BNB-SMART-CHAIN 0.61% $0.01575344 $9832.49
4 Biswap V3 BFG / BFG-TOKEN 0.61% $0.01575344 $746.35
5 PancakeSwap (v2) BFG / WBNB 0.62% $0.01577604 $2466.21
6 BabySwap BFG / BINANCE-BRIDGED-USDT-BNB-SMART-CHAIN 0.87% $0.01580949 $26.68

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