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Bless global

Updated: Apr 19, 2024
Market Cap?
Social Score14360.35%
All-Time High
Mar 4, 2023 (1 year before)
All-Time Low
$0.08304 17.4%
May 11, 2023 (11 months before)

Social Activity Brief

Within the past 30 days, this project has shown a fluctuating trend in its social media activity score. The project's social media engagement has been relatively high, with occasional dips in activity. However, overall, the project has maintained a consistent level of engagement with its audience. The project's social media activity score has shown a slight increase towards the end of the month, indicating a potential upward trend in engagement.

About Bless global

Bless Global, the world's first AAA GameFi MMORPG that combines the Bless IP with P2E (Play to Earn) mechanisms. This journey to a live magical world is about to be unveiled.

Embrace yourself with an awesome visual presentation and unfettered mobile combat experience in this epic fantasy game!