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Home Eldarune


Updated: Apr 26, 2024
Market Cap$2.6M
Social Score23651.33%
All-Time High
Jan 2, 2024 (3 months before)
All-Time Low
$0.00253181 391.9%
Sep 26, 2023 (6 months before)

Social Activity Brief

Within the past 30 days, this project has shown a fluctuating trend in its social media activity score. The project's social media engagement has been inconsistent, with some days showing higher activity scores than others. However, overall, the project's social media activity score has remained relatively stable. Despite some fluctuations, the project has maintained a consistent level of social media activity throughout the month.

Where To Buy

ID Exchange Pair Spread Price 24H Volume Trust Score
1 Bybit ELDA / USDT 0.34% $0.01243674 $424841
2 MEXC ELDA / USDT 0.96% $0.01244472 $188292

About Eldarune

Eldarune is an action game in medieval setup.

The player can use weapons, skills, ride dragons, and warships to defeat enemies and all kinds of creatures.
As the player proceeds through the story, new challenges have to be handled and many mysteries have to be illuminated.

Eldarune has four different game modes
every game mode has different game play and reward system:

- Campaign (Singleplayer | PC)
- Dungeon (Singleplayer, Multiplayer | PC&Mobile)
- Clan Boss (Multiplayer | PC&Mobile)
- PvP Arena (Multiplayer | PC&Mobile)