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Home GDRToken


Updated: Apr 24, 2024
Market Cap?
Social Score1619-
All-Time High
Aug 3, 2022 (1 year before)
All-Time Low
$3.54883E-10 155.1%
Nov 13, 2022 (1 year before)

Social Activity Brief

Within the past 30 days, this project has maintained a consistent level of social media activity for the majority of the time. However, there were two instances where the activity score decreased significantly. Despite these dips, the project's overall social media engagement appears to be relatively stable.

Where To Buy

ID Exchange Pair Spread Price 24H Volume Trust Score
1 Crodex GDRT / WRAPPED-CRO 0.61% $9.02824E-10 $29.88

About GDRToken

Good Driver Reward Token! Getting rewarded in crypto to drive the speed limit!

We are building the token and mobile app that will power the future of incentivizing safe driving and onboarding new users into Web3.

ou can download the GDRT app to your Android or iPhone. Once downloaded you will be ready to start tracking your safe driving practices and get rewarded in GDRT.​​

Get out there and start driving safe!

Once your speed reaches 15 MPH the GDRT application will automatically start tracking your driving practices