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Updated: Mar 31, 2025
Market Cap
Social Score1515-
All-Time High
All-Time Low

Social Activity Brief

Within the past 30 days, this project has maintained a consistent level of social media activity without any significant fluctuations. The data shows that the project has consistently received the same social media activity score every day for the past month. This suggests that the project's social media engagement has remained stable and has not experienced any significant changes or growth during this period.

About Mindland

Mindland is a Mindfulness-&-Earn app that rewards users for tracking their meditation biodata. What makes Mindland unique? Mindland makes it easy for you to develop mindfulness as a habit. We dream of a future where people all over the world track their meditative state and carry out evidence-based mindfulness. Mindland uses your smartphone and other compatible devices to measure your state of mindfulness while meditating. Wearable devices include fitness trackers that measure heart rates (i.e. Apple Watch & Fitbit), and BCIs (Brain-Computer Interface) that measure brain waves. Who are the developers of Mindland? Mindland is the brainchild of developer/nerurotech engineer from University of Tokyo (No.1 University in Japan), and VC from Next Web Capital (most popular Web3.0 VC in Japan)