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Nest Arcade

Updated: Apr 28, 2024
Market Cap?
Social Score800-
All-Time High
Mar 9, 2022 (2 years before)
All-Time Low
$1.343E-5 282.7%
Jul 14, 2023 (9 months before)

Social Activity Brief

Within the past 30 days, this project has shown a fluctuating trend in its social media activity score. The project's social media engagement has been inconsistent, with some days showing higher activity scores than others. However, overall, the project's social media activity seems to have remained relatively stable. There have been some spikes in activity, but they have not been sustained over a long period. Based on the data provided, it is difficult to determine the reason for these fluctuations in social media activity.

Where To Buy

ID Exchange Pair Spread Price 24H Volume Trust Score
1 Raydium NESTA / USD-COIN 0.84% $5.122E-5 $29.63

About Nest Arcade

Nest Arcade is a P2E and NFT gaming platfrom built on Solana. Nest Arcade allows users to play dozens of simple P2E games with NFTS all in one place.