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Updated: Apr 29, 2024
Market Cap$3.08M
Social Score18220.28%
All-Time High
Mar 8, 2024 (1 month before)
All-Time Low
$0.0050998 1,679.7%
Nov 9, 2023 (5 months before)

Social Activity Brief

Within the past 30 days, this project has shown a fluctuating trend in its social media activity score. The project's social media engagement has been inconsistent, with some days showing higher activity scores than others. However, there is an overall upward trend in the project's social media activity score, indicating an increase in engagement over the past month. Despite some fluctuations, the project's social media activity score has remained relatively stable, with no significant drops or spikes in engagement.

Where To Buy

ID Exchange Pair Spread Price 24H Volume Trust Score
1 PancakeSwap (v2) NEUROS / WBNB 0.60% $0.090784 $72776

About Shockwaves

Shockwaves is a groundbreaking blockchain FPS game that revolutionizes the gaming experience. It combines AI-driven NFTs, algorithmically generated cities, and music-infused gameplay.
AIs are central to the game with AI NFTs controlled by their owners or playing autonomously with unique personalities and evolving skills. AI NFTs play by themselves, earn money by themselves, grow stronger by themselves, and redistribute a part of their earnings to their owners.

We have created the first online experience in Web3 history that can be played directly on OpenSea on the page of any AI Agent NFT. In this space, you can see other people connected and interact with them.
While it is not the main game itself, this online experience serves as a gateway to the project and it reaffirms our goal to be pioneers in the Web3 space.
Our future NFT collections (weapons, skins, maps, etc.) are all going to have their own experience.

The game is powered by $Neuros, the primary in-game currency. $Neuros holders can stake their tokens for passive rewards and participate in project governance (DAO). The $Neuros has a crucial role in the economy, allowing investors to interact with AI-related services, and also allowing AI to become full-fledged actors and solve population and economic challenges in the metaverse.