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Worlds of Dr. Hems

Updated: Feb 22, 2025
Market Cap
Social Score0-
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Social Activity Brief

Within the past 30 days, this project has maintained a consistent level of social media activity. The data shows that the project has consistently received a high social media activity score every day for the past month. This suggests that the project has been actively engaging with its audience on social media platforms. However, without specific numbers, it is difficult to determine the exact level of social media engagement. Overall, the trend indicates that the project has been successful in maintaining a high level of social media activity over the past month.

About Worlds of Dr. Hems

Worlds of Dr. Hems is a production and war game played on the blockchain. The game consists of two main parts: The first part of the game is production. While producing, gamers can win an NFT card. Access to the game is via an avatar, a coordinate card belonging to a planet where production is available, two equipment, and seeds. Gamers win HEMS tokens based on the avatar used and the characteristics of the planet, equipment, and seeds. Each avatar and planet has its own characteristics within the game. Finding the right combination will increase the amount of food produced. Gamers can buy or sell the NFT cards they want from Atomichub.