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Updated: Apr 19, 2024
Market Cap$381.63k
Social Score19770.05%
All-Time High
Feb 11, 2022 (2 years before)
All-Time Low
$0.00060918 102.8%
Dec 2, 2022 (1 year before)

Social Activity Brief

Within the past 30 days, this project has shown a fluctuating trend in its social media activity score. The project's social media engagement has been inconsistent, with some days showing high activity and others showing low activity. However, there is no clear pattern or trend in the data that suggests a significant increase or decrease in social media activity over the past month. Overall, the project's level of social media activity appears to be moderate, with occasional spikes in engagement.

Where To Buy

ID Exchange Pair Spread Price 24H Volume Trust Score
1 HTX KT / USDT 0.08% $0.0012319 $106504
2 Pancakeswap V3 (BSC) KT / BINANCE-BRIDGED-USDT-BNB-SMART-CHAIN 0.62% $0.00121441 $20.32
3 KT / USDT 0.43% $0.00122441 $8083.94

Funding Rounds

ROUND Total Amount Investor DATE
Private $2,090,000 2021-12-02

About KingdomX

KingdomX is a metaverse medieval game designed around gamefi protocol. Gamers and stakers are able to build, collect, mint, compete, and earn through our deflationary KingsLanding Protocol. Our double trifold mechanics (Repu – Hero – KT) or (Mint – burn – reward) is designed to project the game engine into a long-term moon ride.